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I want more information on becoming a dog trainer

19 9:05:25

My name is and I am interested in finding out more about becoming a dog trainer.  I have searched the web without much luck in finding seminars to attend in my homestate of Illinois.  Most websites require an expensive membership to access such information.  I understand that a good place to start is through attending seminars or seeing speakers.  Any further advice or information would be appreciated.  
I have experience in training my own dogs, we have competed in some small shows, but I think I really have an understanding of dogs in this way and I would like to explore into it a little further by training other people's dogs.  Thank you!
Valerie Seaward

Valerie, have you spoken to dog trainers in your area to see if you might 'apprentice' with them? That is probably the best thing to do if there are no other resources in your area. Remember that dog trainers do not have to have any credentials or training, so you could technically start your own dog training business right now if you wanted to. I applaud you for wanting to learn more, though.