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2 dogs in the house

19 9:05:21

Hi, I have a dog, Ringo, who has been living with us for the past 8 years. Recently, my brother went for a job abroad and he left us his pag puppy, Jimmy of 1 year to take care of.  As you might imagine we have a caos at home.
Ringo is very jelous of any attention given to Jimmy and is constantly barking.  On the other hand, Jimmy is very very energetic, joyful but also jelous of any attention given to Ringo.  They constantly bark at eachother, run one after the other and fight. If I shout once at Ringo he immediately obeys but on the other hand Jimmy is still a puppy and does not obey at all. Could you assist me please?

Hi Tania,

Sounds like you have your hands full!

Try this. Begin giving Ringo the lion's share of attention, including feeding him first and allowing him to lay closest to you. Do not interfere in their fighting unless it appears serious injury is about to occur (it won't). Finally, command Ringo to "be quiet" when his barking becomes annoying. These measures should bring a great deal more peace to your household.

Anytime you bring a new member into your pack, there is a period of chaos as the members establish their places in the hierarchy. You can speed the process by using your leadership to reinforce Ringo's role as your "next in command". Perhaps the puppy appears "jealous" but if you try to defy the natural order of things by giving him attention at the expense of Ringo, you will only cause yourself and the dogs an extended period of grief. Use your dogs natural pack mentality to your advantage. If you wish more detailed information go to the library section of and read "When Your Dogs Fight".

Good Luck

Sandy Finley
Perfect Manners Dog Training