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lab behavior problem

18 17:55:51

Please help.  My husband and I got a Labrador puppy when he was 5 weeks old.  At 3 months, we got him a friend to play with, another lab puppy, she was born the same day he was.  They have been together for 4 weeks now and they are miserable.  My male dog who used to be so sweet, is so angry. He will not allow our female to get near us.  He bites her very hard and makes her cry so much. She is so afraid of him. In 3 weeks, they both turn 5 months, and we are getting them spayed and neutered. We do not have any children and thought having  2 labs would be great but we have been so worried for our female, she looks so unhappy and our male is so busy being angry, keeping her away from us. We don't know what to do. We love them so much and are very attached to them. Thank you for any advise you can help us with, you will be a great blessing.

Often people buy two dogs thinking that one dog will be better off by having a friend to play with. Often what happens is what you are seeing...competition for valuable resources, and conflict.

Do you treat the dogs differently in any way? Special privileges for one and not the other? Their ages, about to enter adolescence, also tell me that the hardest times are ahead, I'm afraid. Labs mature pretty late, sometimes really only becoming adults around 2 years.

Is it possible to give one of the pups away, I think the male, to a nearby family member or close friend? That way they could still meet for play dates.

4 weeks is not a long time and there is the possibility they will work out their hierarchy issues as long as the humans don't interfere. I'm just concerned that in a few years they will be more set in their ways and harder to break bad habits. It might be easier to consider doing this now when you've only had him a few months.

I believe one dog will be very happy with two loving owners and not have to "pine away" for a 4-legged playmate. Just my opinion.

Hope it helps somewhat. Good luck!

Josh Abrams