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terrified to go outside

18 17:50:13

We have 2 dogs---Duke is a 5 year old neutered male.  He is a lab mix.  Katie is a 2 year old spayed female.  She is a shepherd/husky mix.  
Recently we had an issue with sweat bees in the back yard.  It took us about 3 days to figure out what was going on.  The bees were attacking the dogs whenever they went outside.  We have taken care of the bee issue but Katie is still terrified to go outside. She has begun to pee in the backroom.  She will go to the door and peek outside but then tuck her tail and turn around.  I have even tried to go outside with her.
What can I try to get Katie to feel secure about going outside again? She loves to chase squirrels but won't even go out for that anymore.
Thank you for your time!  

It's not unusual for dogs to be "one trial learners" or to be superstitious about an area where they have been injured.  This is a survival mechanism.  Unfortunately, it sounds as though she was repeatedly attacked in that yard, so her association with it being a negative place is probably that much more entrenched.  One way to influence her might be to use food.  And, I don't mean her kibble, or a few dog biscuits.  Making the yard the best place on earth to be might take some doing.  If this were my dog, I would be laying a "cheese trail" or a "chicken trail" (or even green tripe, despite the smell) from the inside to the outside, even if she would only go one step outside the door at first.  I would also try getting her to enter the yard from another entrance if you have a front gate, for example, rather than from the back door.  It's best if you can entice her, with food, to make the decision herself to go out.  But, if you try for a week with no result, then you may want to call in a behaviorist veterinarian.  Some dogs do better with some anti-anxiety medication for a short period of time to get them over the hump.  Good luck!