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dog runs away doesnt come when called

19 8:58:25

Dear Rita,                                   5-8-08
I have an almost 2 year old male Pomeranian. (born approx. Aug. 2006) We got him in Jan. 2008 from previous owner that could no longer keep him.  He is a good and for the most part obedient, little dog.  The problem is, that he has gotten away from me twice, and ran away, would not come when I called him.  This last time, we found him a mile from our house.  He had run up to a dog (german shepard, do not know the sex of the shepard) that was chained in its yard. The shepard bit and injured my dog. Good news is- my dog is recovering from injuries.  I have leash trained my pomer to come when I call him, while he is on a leash. He comes when I call him every time.. while he is on the leash.
But he will not come when he gets away from me, even when I call his name or say the command to "come".  How do I get him to come to me, if he ever gets loose again?  Because this dear and silly little pomer runs straight down the middle of the road while he is on the lam. I greatly appreciate any and all advice you could pass along in trying to correct this behavior.
Very Sincerely,

I use a method developed by Leslie Nelson, of "Tails U Win", called the "Really Reliable Recall".  You can get the booklet at, I think, but the DVD is available at  If you follow the protocol, and practice, your dog should be able to learn a reliable "come".  Good luck.