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Wolf training

19 8:57:35

I volunteer at a wolf sanctuary.  They have about 11 wolf/wolf-dogs.  Most of them get to go out on leads at least once a week. We have one wolf that has not been walked because know one knows what steps to take to get a lead on her.  Do you have any suggestions on how to approach this situation? This wolf wants to go out with her pin mate, but we are just stumped on how to start.

Hi Kelly,
First, let me say that I am not a wolf expert - dogs and wolves are very similar in a lot of ways, but not in others, and I would not want to misinform you.  
With under- or un-socialized dogs, I might begin by simply allowing the dog to make the first move to sniff me, rather than offering my outstretched hand.  I would turn my body to the side as a way of saying "I'm not a threat - look, I'm exposing my flank so you'll know." I might also use food as an offering, but again, I would allow the dog to come to the food, and not thrust a hand out.  Gradually, the dog usually comes toward me, and I simply keep allowing that to happen until the dog is satisfied that I mean no harm.  It can be painfully slow to build enough trust that you can actually begin to move toward the dog or touch it.  
My advice, since you are dealing with wolves or hybrids, would be to get some advice from a really good wolf center, such as International Wolf Center in Ely, Minnesota.  You can call them at (218) 365-4695.