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Responding to name

18 18:01:20

I own a dog, but she already had a name when I got her. I rescued a nameless dog last week and now I'm wondering how in the world to teach her how to respond to a name. She appears to be a year old at most and doesn't seem to have had any training whatsoever. I'm also at a loss for getting her to sit - I used the regular method when I taught my dog a few years ago, but it's not working for this girl. Instead of sitting, she jumps on my hand as soon as she sees the treat.

Thanks for your help!


She will pick up on her name the same way we all do - by hearing it regularly and gradually realizing it is referring to her!  Use her name when ever you talk to her and try to pair it with treats so she starts to look up when she hears it.  Say it clearly and in a positive, friendly tone.  Don't worry, it will happen in time, just keep practising.

With regards the sit command, it is difficult to explain, easier to demonstrate but i will do my best.  Use a low value treat (e.g. some kibble) and start when she is tired or full so she is not too excited.  Close your hand around the treat and hold your hand still, just above her nose.  keep your hand there and just wait while she jumps up and gets excited.  Eventually she will realize it isn't working and will quieten down.  If she doesn't; get into the sit position you can start to reward 'not jumping', then when she is calmer try again for the sit.  No laws says you have to work for the sit immediately, sometimes there are stages to go through!

Good luck and have fun


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

She figured out what I want from her and now sits down (for the most part..) when I offer the treat instead of jumping. How long will it take to progress to sitting on command and what steps do I need to take to get there? I know it's going to take some time before she totally gets it, but how do I tell when to switch from saying sit when she sits, to giving the command and then rewarding the obedience?  


phase out the food lure gradually, so make it less obvious and at the same time keep saying the word.  Gradually say the word first, wait a second, then give a subtle hand gesture.  If she doesn't get it, make it more obvious, then try a food lure if still no luck.  this will help you figure out her level of understanding.  it can happen really quickly if you practice lots!