Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > digging


18 17:47:20

My dog keeps digging by the fence and i punish her for it by a flick in the nose and i spray her down with the hose. but she still does it. i even out pepper on the places she digs but still doesnt work. Please Help..... i dont have a clicker either and will never use a shock collar

David - You're in luck! You don't need a clicker or a shock collar to fix your digging problem. What is recommended is to make your dog a digging spot of her own and bury toys and treats there for her to dig up. Avoid letting her see you dig outside and keep her away from fresh dirt by not allowing her outside in the area where you have freshly dug or planted.

If your dog starts digging by the fence, gently take her to her digging spot. Once she finds this spot rewarding she will have less and less desire to return to her old place.

You might want to think about why she is digging. Is it that it is simply enjoyable for her? Does she want to get out to get to something? Does she get enough physical exercise, that is, at least one walk off the property daily? Does she get sufficient mental exercise in the form of play and reward-based training?

Punishment is a poor way to change behavior. It is more effective and less traumatic to the dog and your relationship to use positive reinforcement. It works because dogs repeat what is rewarding and don't repeat what is not rewarding. Please see this position statement by the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior, including all the reasons punishment is not a good idea:

Thank you for your question. Let me know if you have any further questions, and good luck with your little digger!
