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dog biting and excitement

19 8:56:37

m y 1 yr old victorian bulldog jumps up and gets very excited when we have visitors he is also very snappy when playing and when he is excited.He is a lovely dog but i need to calm him down and get more control over him .What would you advise us to do to make him behave better thankyou


Basic training is whats needed.  Ensure he gets adequate exercise and play time with you (within the limits of his physical ability) so he is not a ball of energy all the time.  Use a lead on him in the house when visitors come, to control him and reward him with food for sitting (teach him the sit command if he doesn't know it, when there are no distractions).  The biting sounds like play biting as he is so excited - can you get him to bite something like a toy, instead of people?  That way you are not preventing him from doing it, just redirecting it onto something more appropriate.  A big soft toy or old knotted t-shirt would be good - produce it at times of excitement and encourage him to chase and tug on it.

Remember not to exert him too much if he is unable to cope with it.

all the best
