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I want them to be friends

19 8:58:23

QUESTION: I have a very quiet Springer Spaniel who was always bullied by another dog we had, a jack russell(female). One day I came home to find that the two had fought and the springer and killed the jack russell. Since then, he has not been himself, whining, howling at night and everytime we go for a walk he gets excited when he sees other dogs, he wants to play. Now, believing he needs company I got another dog, jack russell(female) and am keeping her in the house and him outside, but would often leave them outside to play together, always watching them, of course! Just today the new Jack Russell began bullying him, barking at him and not allowing him to leave his kennel, he is being very submissive and is allowing her to boss him. I would like to know how to help them begin to be friends, if at all possible?

PS. Neither of them are puppies.

ANSWER: If I understand the first part of your question, the springer killed the first Jack Russell? Dogs tend to have their own ways of developing relationships - some of which don't look like the humans would like them to be, but it's not at all abnormal  for a little female to boss the boys around. Especially a female terrier. What IS abnormal is that the male would kill her for it. If it was a natural situation (i.e. unowned dogs, no fenced yard) if they were incompatible, it's likely that one dog would leave or be driven off without the need for serious harm. We don't give them that option. We bring in dogs based on our choice instead of their compatibility, confine them in the same household and expect them to be "friends". That doesn't always happen. And the springer's desire to "play" with other dogs may not be exactly that. It can be hard for an owner to make an accurate and detailed description of the behavior they are seeing, and knowing what may be important in all that, so really hard for someone to "see" the important details in email. I know ways to make dogs somewhat more compatible, but honestly, not being able to actually see the dogs in person and with the potential seriousness of your situation, I think the best I can recommend is that you consult a behaviorist or rehome the little JRT girl, and work on giving your springer a very interesting life with humans only. I would not like to "guess" what is going on without seeing the dogs, and have that end up with another dead dog. I would also wonder if the whining and howling was a symptom of the reason he killed the JRT, not of him missing her when she was gone. My first move would be blood workup at the vet's, including a tick-borne disease screen and a full 6 panel thyroid test - and ask the vet for a referral to a good behaviorist. Sandy Case MEd CPDT

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Sandy, thank you VERY VERY much for your reply, I can completely understand your answer, but have left out some details which I think I should have included.

Firstly the Springer was housed outside with 2 JRT in the beginning. All three lived together for 4 years. The eldest was the Boss (female JRT) she died of natural causes. The springer and the second JRT(female)lived together for 1.5yrs before  he killed her. The nature of the springer is, as you say, indescribable in email, but trying, he is extremely affectionate and I would trust him with a child and even now, trust him with other dogs. As I say, he's very quiet and will sulk if you give out to him. My family (perhaps foolishly) describe it as a moment of insanity. I WILL get the tests done, as soon as the incident happened, a year and a half ago now, I brought him (the springer) to the vet to be checked and to ask some questions but his answer was dogs will be dogs. So, I am going to bring him to a different vet! I would like to thank you sincerely for your help. Helen B.

I do wish you good luck, and really do think your best bet would be a behaviorist. Find out if there is a veterinary behaviorist in your area, as they would have the best idea of any physical contributers. You don't know what actually happened between him and the second JRT. But I'd really be concerned if the same pattern is coming up again. And from here I can't tell you more than that. Sandy