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dogs wetting everywhere

18 18:02:14

QUESTION: my son has a pit bull he is  1 1/2 years old and he wets on everything inside and outside. i understand about the marking there territory . i wont answers on getting him to quit.

ANSWER: You say you understand about territory marking?  presumably then you recognize that this is what he is doing, and it is not a house training issue or medical problem?

if you have identified the cause you can treat it, rather than the symptoms - making him feel secure will prevent him having to mark his territory.  Do make sure you have ruled out other behavioral issues first though or you will be wasting your time.  Get a vet to rule out medical problems.  

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: good answer but how do i make him feel secure? could you give me some examples please.


It really depends on the dog and the household - are there lots of visitors or other dogs coming and going?  Is he confident generally?  Is it mainly around doorways?  Does he do it at specific times (such as after a change in routine or when stressed).  Neutering him may help too.

Ensure he has a comfy bed he can go to and be undisturbed, not on a major walkway of the house.  DAP diffusers can help too (get them online).  Also he must be 'emptied' regularly!  Adequate exercise and the chance to mark outdoors will reduce his need to do it indoors.  Ensure he is given at least one hour off lead running time daily to relax and burn off energy.

Does he drink excessively?  If he were mine I would get the vet to rule out health problems first.

ensure you clean the areas he has urinated on with biological washing powder then alcohol to fully remove the smell - if he can still smell it he will return there. (test an area first)

Good luck
