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wees and poos still in the house

18 18:01:48

hi there, i have a lovely 11 month old chocolate lab. The only issue i have is that she still does her 'business' in the house.  I've tried all kinds of techniques. This is the only problem i have otherwise she is the perfect pet. The back door is always open for her benefit but she still doesn't get it. Please help i really need to get to the bottom of this ongoing problem.

Hi Shelly

Treat her as if she is still a puppy until she has learnt.  Shut the back door then take her out frequently (every 2 hours) plus after food, when excited, when she wakes up and in the morning.  Wait with her until she has been then quietly praise her and come back in.  keep the door shut and keep her with you until she can be trusted.  with the door open you are assuming she knows to go out there which she clearly doesn't.

clean the areas indoors thoroughly so she can't smell it there - she will keep returning there if she can.  don't tell her off for going, ever, as she will associate being told off with going to toilet, then you will find she will refuse to go if you are present (indoors or out) in case you scold her.  if she makes a mistake think of it as your fault for not being vigilant!

good luck
