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sudden wee & poo in the house

19 9:00:12

Hi there wonder if you could throw any light on this,
In sept 2007 we rehomed a boxer bitch 2 yrs old. Wonderful girl settled in really well, we have always given her the run of the house as she could be trusted in every way . Is not destructive, extremely friendly, and never had any toilet accidents in the home. Perfect dog from day one. However, the last week and half she has started to wee and poo in the house. she doesn't seem to haveone particular spot, will go wherever she wants. I cant understand why she has started doing this. She is walked twice a day sometimes three. She doesn't do it in front of us, ie not the room we are in with her she will just go off and wonder the house. I cant work this out as there has been no change in her routine what so ever, can you help?

Could it be related to the weather? Some dogs do not like to go outside if it's very cold/wet. My advice is to never let her out of your sight when you are at home, and confine her in some way when you leave, so she's less likely to have an accident while you're gone. Treat her just like a puppy that is not yet housebroken. I cannot say why she's suddenly regressed in her training, unless there is some underlying medical reason, in which case I would expect that she would be doing one or the other, not peeing AND pooping in the house.