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Leaving dog alone

18 17:50:35

QUESTION: I have a 3 yr old female spayed Border Collie mix. Last week, my older dog passed away, and she is now my only dog. She had been with this dog since she was a puppy and has never been left at home alone without him.

The other day when I came home, I thought I could hear her crying. I decided to set up a video camera to monitor how she was doing in the house on her own. I have video taped her 3 times now, and on every video she does not seem to relax. The last time I taped her, I was gone for 3.5 hours. I left her a Kong with some peanut butter in it, a roll around dry food dog toy, and I placed some of her kibble throughout the house. All of these items kept her occupied very well for about the first 25 mins that I was gone.

Once she had retrieved all of the treats/food that were left, she ran to the door that I leave out of. The video then shows her walking from the door and then over to the window, she does this multiple times only laying down for a few mins at a time, never really relaxing. During the entire video she cries very sporatically and quietly and every few mins or so she lets out a single quiet bark. She does not bark continuously, just every few mins or so, one single bark. She finally lays down for a solid 10 mins at the end of the video, and then I came home.

My question is, do you have any suggestions  or comments for me? It seems like she is just adjusting and will eventually get used to her new situation, but I want to make sure that I am not causing more damage by leaving her like this. Any input that you can give would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much,


ANSWER: The dog needs a new companion.  It is accustomed tothe dog/dog relationship that provided mental and physcial stimulation. In Europe most countried require that an adoption be of two dogs or two cats for this very reason. They need one of their own for companionship and socialization.
I recommend you take your dog and locate a new BFF from a breeder shelter or store.

Henry Ruhwiedel

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Another dog is not really an option right now, but she does have a cat at home. Is there anything else I can do. She does see friends dogs often and gets interaction and playtime with them. Is it possible that she may get used to her new situation?

You need to become the dogs BFF, spend more time with the dog in play and just proximity. Consider yourself helping a loved one to get over the death of a family member, you are. Unless the cat is similar to my Philo T Farnsfowth, that thinks he is a dog, sleeps with the dog, eats the dog food, grooms the dog, the cat is not much companionship for the dog.
