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Positive trainers

19 9:04:27

Hi Cathy,

I don't understand this whole positive training thing and when things don't make sense it bothers me. If you ignore a dog when he's bad or tell him no, then obviously you are doing negative things. I just wasted a lot of time and money on a clicker training class. It was the silliest thing I ever took part in. My dog learned nothing except to expect a treat and me looking goofy and clicking a toy when he occasionally decieded to do something right. I feel like I got scammed and my dog got stupid.

What's your opinion? From what I learned, if anybody says there training is "Purely Positive" I'll grab my wallet and run.

What's your expert opinon,


Hi Jaye,

I've never actually ever "got" the clicker myself, so I have to somewhat agree with you on that.  Although, perhaps if I knew more about it, I'd have a different opinion.

I do agree with positive training, but meaning to never hit your dog.  Positive can mean different things -- a treat, a nice smile from the owner, praise by petting etc.    

If the dog is doing something bad, in my opinion, you should definitely correct them - with a firm NO.  If it is something like chewing on you, then you should ignore them.

I've found that the key to training is consistency.  I'm hoping that the clicker training, even though you feel it was a waste of time, helped you with something like getting your dog to sit.   I usually recommend spending about 10-15 minutes every day teaching your dog things.  Much more than that and you just confuse them.  

Check out this website:  It is a good reference to use for all sorts of behavioral problems that you might have as well as some "free" basic training tips.   It is at the bottom left side of the website.  Called Robins tips.

Good Luck!