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behavior prob....and advanced training

19 8:59:31

hi there......i have 2 pitbulls...13months and 15months..both males....not neutered.....they been together since puppi my question is....when i let them out together...n play in the yard.....they just run all over the place n chasin each other......jumpin n playing a lilo rough on each far no real fight...or growling...yet....of course i always supervise them at play...if u could give me advices or tips.....tat will be great.....want them to be more calm...towards each do u start off leash training.....cuz they get pretty easy anything.....but they all basic trained......already.......please if u can help me....i will appreciate


Hi Sai,

Honestly I think you are asking for trouble down the road as these two intact males mature into adulthood. If you haven't considered neutering them, please do so. And yes, I'm saying that because of their breed. They are a breed that has been bred for fighting. With two intact Labs or beagles or other breeds not purposely bred to fight you may have less of a worry.  The type of play your dogs are doing is very typical for most dogs; play fighting is how they learn about boundaries, about speaking dog, about life. It's fun but it can also easily escalate.

As for off leash training, it takes years to successfullly accomplish 100% reliability off leash. You should still be practicing all the things you learned in basic obedience.  When your dogs are 90% in the house (meaning that they do what you ask 90% of the time) you work them in the back yard, then the front yard (you may want to put on a 15 or 30 foot leash for safety) and then you take 'your act on the road' meaning you work them one on one in many other locations and with increasingly heavy distractions. The secret to having off leash control is to control the game - whatever game it is your dog loves and to be way more interesting to your dog than the environment is.  Being more interesting than the environment is very hard for most people; those that are successful at it have great off least control of their dogs because their dogs WANT to be with their people who are fun.

You can go to and find a positive trainer in your area who can help you work through the steps of getting off leash control of your dogs.

Good luck,
