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18 17:59:56


My boston terrier refuses to learn the down command, she will sit when I snap my fingers but is afraid it seems to down, I tryed luring her down like I did yto teach my other to dogs(Not bostons) but she just puts her head down to the treat and stands up, pushing on her back seems to startle her and she runs away not wantingto praticapate anymore.... other then that she sits, comes and doesnt stray far in an open area...I'd like to train her to agility over the summer but I know to compete she must do a down/stay "pause", advice is greatly apprecated!

Down is the most submissive position for the dog. A lot of dogs are hard to train, mainly because they don't yet respect the owner as pack leader. Your method is fine, any cue you want to use is up to you. The standard commands are sit, down, stay and the appropriate hand signals.  

So lets start with the nothing for free system. The dog gets absolutly nothing until it performs a command (works). That includes toys, treats, food, water, affection. The dog quickly learns it has to work for its desires/needs. Verbally reward the dog with a "Good Dog" The item you are prtoviding should be slowly placed on the floor for the dog. If the dog lunges for it, hold it still and tell the dog to wait. When the dog is performing this reasonably well, then move on to the down command. The usual sequence is the sit command, then stay, then down stay. When you want the dog to take the item [food, toy, treat] use the command "take it" and when you don't want the dog to get it use the command "leave it". (give and drop for toys)

If the dog had been abused and is thus fearful of the down position, it should be a short time to train the dog.

Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC