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Housebroken but pooping in crate.

19 9:01:57

I have 2 dogs that are 9 1/2 months old.  They were crate trained and have done well.  It is rare, and usually our fault, if they have accidents in the house.  They have done well in the crate as well.  However, I recently fenced my backyard so they can run free in the yard and not be on a leash.  Ever since doing this, they have started pooping in their kennel almost every night and during the day while I'm at work.  They not only poop.... but it's like they have wallered in it and it is spread everywhere and all over them.  I know they can hold it at night and during the day, because they used to up until I got the fence and they have more freedom outside and spend more time outside.  I'm beside myself with what to do to get them to stop.  I'd just get a doghouse and let them be outdoor dogs, but they are little dogs and worry about extreme hot or cold temps.  Please help me get them back on the right track.... having a hard time finding the love for my dogs right now because I'm so frustrated.

Nola, I'm no longer answering housebreaking questions, but if you will read through all my previous answers on the subject, surely you will be able to find >some< suggestion(s) that might help you!

One thing I would be worried about is whether or not they are suffering from a virus or something that is causing them not to be able to hold it, when they previously could. A vet visit is in order to determine that for sure.