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Post traumatic stress??

19 9:02:39

My 4 yr dog got hit by a car 3 wks ago. She luckily had no serious injuries,just lacerations .We were back walking the next day.
We walked alot over the weekend and then she wound with diarhea. Not sure what she got into, but chicken & rice is helping that.

The last few days since the diarrhea, she refuses to walk. I can not get her to budge...

I am not sure if this is related to her recent diarrhea bout or perhaps some fear from the car accident.

She is not listless or sick, in fact she is chasing her squirrels out front and playing with the cats.She is not limping from the accident or any probs from it.
I just don't understand why a dog who loves to walk is suddenly  refusing to go.

I am getting concerned..... could this be post traumatic stress????



Hi Rhonda,

Most good dog trainers use the tendency of canines to form associations to teach them behaviors. Often dogs learn the wrong associations and that is where problems arise. For example, a dog who is fed from the table will learn to beg because it associates being near the table with getting choice food. I would guess your dog has associated walking with being run over by a car and having diarrhea. This would be an understandable reason that she is reluctant to go walking.

Your task will be to retrain and rehabilitate this negative association. I would suggest you carry her or take her in a wagon, car, etc. to a spot about one block from her home. She will want to return home and you can walk her back. Go slow but take her further away from home each day which will cause her to walk further each day. Be careful to remain calm and exhibit no sense of unease while walking her. Eventually, this should return her back to the more natural canine behavior of enjoying her walks.

Good Luck!
