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Almost 2 yr old Boxer still housebreaking problems?!?!

19 9:02:36

We have a very close to 2 yr old female boxer that we brought into our home from about the time that she was 8 weeks old.  She is a beautiful, loving and friendly dog that has become part of our little family that I have grown to adore.  She is still not completely house broken and we cannot leave her out of the crate or our site!  We both work so she is in the crate for at least 5 hours a day M-F.  She never pees or poops in the crate or in front of us.  She is taken out everytime she comes out of the crate, after she eats and before bed.  She seems to have a problem with letting us know when she wants to go out..she will wait until she is just taken.  Although when she wants to just play outside she makes it very clear she wants to go out - Not when she needs to go to the bathroom. If she sleeps in our room with us she will not go in the middle of the night, if she does not - she will go on the floor, leaving us with a suprise in the morning, I do not want her sleeping in my bedroom permanantly.  Just last night I was getting ready for bed and she went on the floor!!  Then this morning I walked her -she peed, did not poo after me waiting 10 minutes we came back to the house, I went to shower and came out to poo on the floor!! She cannot make it more than 2 weeks with out having an accident in the house.  We have replaced our kitchen floors in hopes that maybe it was the smell.  Her age is maturing and I feel horrible that she still needs to be left in the crate for those hours we are not home and want nothing more for her to be free during the day but she just cant be under these circumstances.  I am beginning to think maybe she would be better off in a home that can give her more time she deserves?? It has been 2 years which I know is not normal for housebreaking but I believe I have tried all the methods.  We are also in  a small apartment if that matters any.  Please help, I am on my last hope.

Hi Kristin,
Several suggestions, because it does seem like you are doing everything right.    
On a trial basis, I would try keeping the leash on her while out of the crate.  Yes, in the house.  You can attach the leash to your waist so she must stay with you all the time.  If you can not be with her like this, she should remain in the crate.  If you have her on the leash while out of the crate, you can give her a gentle tug when she starts to have an accident.    The key is to completely eliminate the opportunity for an accident.   If you can successfully do this for about a month, I believe the problem will be solved because it will become more of a habit to only go outside.  I realize this will be a pain in the you know what for you, but the results will be worth it.

Second question is --- is she spayed?  If not, having her spayed could help with the problem.

What type of food is she eating?   Some foods are better than others and the better quality foods seem to help with eliminate accidents as well because there is not so much filler & junk in the food.    Try something like Eukanuba or a natural food.