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re-training potty training

18 17:48:50

QUESTION: How do I get my grown dogs to start going potty outside again?
They were both trained to go to the door and go outside.. yet now they pee on doors, on the bed post, furniture..and now they've started pooping in the middle of the floor.. I let them outside every two hrs but my one dog can come right back in and do his duty in the house.

I am looking for methods other than using a crate/ this causes undue stress on my dogs and myself as they have never grown accustomed to using a kennel.  Thanks.

ANSWER: Hi Lisa:

What breed are your dogs and what age?
Has there been any change in your environment?
Have they had a bad experience outside?
Are they neutered or spayed?

There are many reasons a dog will change a habit, and with out further information, so I could make an educated guess as to what the problem stems from, I can offer a solution for re-training.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What breed are your dogs and what age? 2 dogs, Miniature Pinscher age 10 and beagle/dachsund/something mixture age 6

Has there been any change in your environment? It seemed to have started when we brought the min pin into the house 3 yrs ago. Bandit age 6 was the only dog and he had discipline from obedience school and rarely had accidence.  When we brought Wayne, min pin age 7 at the time into our home..he had NO previous discipline/schooling..and I failed him by not being as diligent with training him as I had Bandit. I am guessing that Wayne was the first one to start pottying everywhere..and then Bandit followed suit.  Also, I rarely see Wayne go to the door or pester me when he has to potty, now that you mention it.

Have they had a bad experience outside? Not really. They chase rabbits and do what dogs do. We had to start limiting Wayne's free reign of our backyard when he found a hole he can escape out of then we chained him up when he was out..but he kept lunging until he pulled the clip loose and rain away... fortunately he has a tag and the neighbors called us every time....

Are they neutered or spayed?
 They are both males and both neutered

thanks let me know if u have more questions

Hi Lisa:

Wow three years of this.
From a behaviorists stand point I'd say that it's because you brought another male into the house and even when neutered males will mark territory.  The introduction of another Male, that may or may not have had sufficient training, thus he pee's on stuff then the other male covers that scent with his own.

As you mention poop's as well this is also a scent marking activity in dogs.  (You will see some kick up the dirt after).

As a crate is not an option.  I would suggest making sure you get rid of the scent by using the proper scent removers and keeping the dogs in your line of sight all the time when in the house.  Using the crate method of timing for pee breaks every couple of hours, I would follow that, and set a routine for them for potty breaks.  Take them out on leash, do not let them run free.

Some people tether their dogs to themselves, in place of crating, that si also an option.