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Shar Pei

18 18:00:40

I have a 2 year old shar pei/dog de bourdeux cross everything is fine he is lovely, the only thing is whenever people come to visit he gets so exited he runs round and jumps up them until the stroke him not is an aggresive way at all but he is so big that sometimes he does knock them back a little and this is the same for my 2 young nephews so much so that I have to put the dog in another room because he gets to excited again no aggresive in any way, any aqdvise please.

Hi Zena

You need to teach him how to greet people appropriately which will take time and effort but will be worth it!  Firstly ensure he never jumps up at any other time (such as at you), and reinforce the sit command (teach it if you haven't already).

when visitors come round make sure he has had a good run off lead first so he is tired.  When you get home leave his lead on him and use really tasty food to keep him focused on you when the door knocks.  Use the lead to control him, ask him to sit and show him the food.  make sure visitors are instructed to ignore him completely when they come round (not even looking at or speaking to him).  This way he will start to lean that they are not so exciting after all.

Once they are in the door and sat down, if he is calm you can let go of the lead and allow him to go over and be stroked/greeted but not before.

If he is really hard to manage at the door, shut him away before you let people in, then let him out once they are in and sat down, again on a lead using food to keep him focused on you.  It will help if you can arrange for some help - get someone to come round, knock the door, come in for a few minutes then leave again, and repeat.  He will eventually calm down once he realizes they are ignoring him and that he can get food from you when he sits calmly.

Good luck
