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CrateTraining my 3 year old boxer

18 17:56:25

I have a 3 year old boxer that we rescued last year.  For the past year I have been trying to crate train him and he hasn't seem to get it.  He eats his fecal matter regularly and then vomits it up later everywhere.  I can leave for four hours or 30 minutes and he will still pee and poop and that is with taking him out right before we leave.  He has even peed and pooped in my car when I ran into a store for five minutes.  I am at my wits end with this dog.  We love him but are tired of coming home to a house that smells like excrement.  I am looking for expert advice to determine a solution.  I really do not want to give him up but I can't live like this anymore.  Can you Help????

What was his living situation like BEFORE you rescued him?

Many dogs that are kept crated for extremely long periods of time learn this behavior because they have no other option for relieving themself and they are cleaning up after themselves so that their "den" is not filthy.  If you do not know, you may want to contact the place you got him from to find out more about his background or living conditions before coming to you.

If that is the case with this dog, that he was left crated a lot, it will be extremely difficult to teach him that NOW it is not OK to eliminate in his crate.

I don't think I can be of much help, but if you are interested in talking with a trainer in your area that may have experience with this, check on the Assn of Pet Dog Trainer website,