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question about my Bishion

18 17:49:49

I am having a problem with my Bishion he is 5 years old and he is very attached to me. We are moving and I'm worried. He barkes a lot and pees all over even though he goes out all the time. I think he is doing it out of spite cause he can look right at u n pee. Also whines all the time I can't even go to the bathroom without him behind the door whining I'm at the point that I don't know what to do. We r moving into a 3 bedroom house n my landlord lives downstairs I'm afraid he is going to bark all the time and ruin the carpet. Please if u have any suggestions I will try anything at this point. Thank you charlene

Hello Charlene:

True Clinical Separation Anxiety is very rare in dogs, what is perceived as Separation Anxiety is actually where the dog belive itself to be the Pack Leader and stresses when the family or the one person they are fully in control of leaves without them.  A pack is not safe or able to function without a leader.

Stepping up your leadership skills, working on Obedience training will often resolve the problems, associate or labeled as separation anxiety.

Other considerations and techniques to use are.
For consistent urination - Vet check for Bladder issues and / or go back to basics in potty training using a create.  Ensure you use a Cleaner designed for dog stains as these contain the right chemicals to clean it effectively so that the dog can not smell the pheromones that are in their urine, thus eliminating the toilet smell that triggers constant use of same area.

Barking, the use of a Citronella Spray Bark Control collar is effective.  Remove ability to see and or hear noises from outside.  Close curtains and leave a TV or Radio on tune to human voices station, not music.

Overall there are several herbal and natural remedies for stress in dogs, there are pills,liquids, plug in pheromone scent dispensers and collars with pheromone dispensers.  One name that comes to mind is "Calm Ease" a pheromone dispenser and/or Back Flower remedies.

Your vet can also prescribe pills for dogs to relive stress.