Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > CAr+trouble


18 17:56:25


You haven't provided alot of details, but I can give you some general tips.

You need to spend some time training him when the car is not actually moving. First train him to jump in say "In the car" while tossing a treat onto the back seat. Repeat several times until he doesn't hesitate. Then tell him "In the car" and give him a treat after he does it instead of before. Then have him down and stay in the back of the car and give him treats for that. Then take him for a few short rides, preferably with an assistant in the passenger seat to give him treats. My mom gives her little dogs ginger snaps which keeps them from getting carsick. (I can't give those to my dog cause he's allergic to wheat!) Progress from there making sure that there are more fun rides to the park and grandma's house than the vet and groomer.

Better yet, if he's small enough. Crate train him and buckle the crate into the back seat of the car.