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puppy refusues to urinate outside

19 9:05:10

I just bought a 5 month old dachshund.  He will not go pee outside.  He pees in his crate.  His previous owner says he did not have this problem before.  He even peed on a little bed he had outside the crate.  He seems to pee where he sleeps.  I take him outside every 30 minutes but he will not pee until he gets in the crate.  He had a large crate so I bought a smaller one.  I have never seen this problem before and I have crate trained in the past.  What should I do?

Hi Kelly,

Ok,  I would say this is either submissive urination or he has a problem with outside.  I would need more info. Does he seem reluctant to go out at all?  Even on walks? Or is it simply that he will not pee outside?  Maybe you should try another toilet training method,  other than crate training? perhaps with puppy pads.  I would stay outside with him till he pee's.  With a pups bladder he will eventually need to go.  When he does you must praise him to high heaven.  If you could give me more info I'll look into it some more.

Good luck
