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jack russell siblings

19 8:57:24

QUESTION: i have 2 jack russell brothers they are now 18 months old and have started fighting badly i have had them both castrated and apart from the bad fighting they are well trained dogs i also have 3 other dogs in the house 2 male 1 female spayed but they are fine with them they are not left alone togehter when i go out  each has the company of one or two of the other dogs i am finding it impossible now to have them in the room at the same time.

ANSWER: I'm sorry, there is not enough information here for me to answer. Is the aggression over toys, territory, food, affection, lack of pack leader authority?  What are you doing to break up the fight? Is it rough play or are they drawing blood?

Henry Ruhwiedel

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi i think its lack of leader pack authority because its not toys, food or affection, the first fight was all 5 dogs were over excited about going out and were huddled in doorway barking and jumping and they just started fighting, since then the 2 jacks have gone for each other several times drawing blood a couple times, i have managed to seperate them  (i have been bitten couple times accidently when stopping them) i have had them since birth and have spoiled them probably treating them more like babies than dogs, but they are quite obedient, they dont like walking past each other, going into a room if one is sat by doorway, they bristle up tails up straight ears up and i have to intervene very quickly or they fight, the smaller of the 2 has had his ear ripped in past fights and he seems the more aggresive growling a lot as the other approaches which then starts the other off and leads to a fight. i try not to keep them seperate after a fight ie one in one room and one in the other as i have been told this is not good for them, can you advise as i said my other 3 are fine although at times they do go to join in but i only have to raise my voice to them and they usually back off.

Well lets start with obedience training. The bitting is symptomatic of lack of respect or recognition to you as pack leader. Obedience class should also include socialization with other dogs to correct the growl, bristle fight behavior. In the meanwhile start with a squirt of lemon juice, directly in the mouth of the fighting dogs (little plastic squeeze bottle from the grocery). Also, you need to be a strong presence. Break up the fight in some other manner since they bite you. Being a big guy my voice is enough usually (NO BAD DOGS) or whack two pots together or douse with a squirt bottle of water. Next is the nothing for free program. Every dog has to perform to get anything, food, water, toy, treat, pet-pet. Even a "sit" or some other simple command. They learn you are the provider fo all things good and if they don't do what you say, they don't get it.
No exceptions. Give affection on your terms, not theirs. Keep them crated seperate when you are not there. You are the giver of freedom.
Get a couple books on obedience training if there are no classes nbear you. We have a home obedience training DVD/book for $29 post paid if you don't find one in a local store that also covers most of the common behavior issues that appear here and a few others. JR's are smart dogs, they shuld catch on fast that their dominance just ended.

Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC