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Scooby bites!

19 9:04:10

Hi Sandy,

My black laborador mix is going to be seven years old in August. But, I have a problem. He bites people. He has bitten four people in the past years. Luckily, they have all been family members and they have not sued. I want to know what I can do to stop this biting "Habit" because in August here in San Antonio, there will be a law making it a felony if your pooch bites somebody. What can I do? I don't want to put my Scooby to sleep?

God Bless,
Jonathan Hernandez  

Hi Jonathan,

I'm afraid no professional trainer would attempt to advise you on such a serious issue unless they were able to observe and work with you and Scooby personally.

You have two choices. You can obtain professional help in your area or you can risk losing your dog and/or being sued.

Good Luck!