Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > Aggression/Socialization


19 9:10:08

Whenever my dog sees another dog, she seems to stiffen, her ears stand up and is about ready to leap. She has not attacked any as yet but I am concerned.  I have taken her to group training, tried motivating her with treats when she sees another dog and even purchasd a "shock collar", but I don't hate the thought of using it on her.   Can you suggest anything else for me to do?

Dear Annette

Thank you for your question.

Please please please don't use a shock collar on your dog!!!  This will only server to make the problem worse, and putting your dog a risk of being aggressive when she receives the shock!  If you want to use a remote collar, try a citronella collar.

I would speak to your dog trainer and ask if the members of the training group and their dog to help socialise your dog.  Then this is in controlled environment!

The keys is for your to be in control of your dog!  Don't use a chock chain, trying using a halti or harness - this will give you better control over your dogs movements!  Reward all calm behaviour with prise and reward.  Any aggressive behaviour should be ignored - never trying to calm your dog down when she shows any signs of aggression!  This will only reward her behaviour!

Kind Regards
