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Dog Escaping

19 9:01:34

Hi Sandy,
Just recently our two dogs (one is a male beagle, the other a female mix) have started digging under our fence and escaping.  These dogs have been with us for over five years and this is a new development.  They are both neutered/spayed.  They are left alone during the day while my husband and I are at work, but they have access to the inside and outside of the house and have many toys and each other to play with.  We have not recently moved and I cannot think of any reason why they would have separation anxiety.  Do you have any suggestions as to why they have become such escape artists?
Thank you!

Hello Shelley,

My guess would be your dogs are bored.

I am certain that your dogs, over the course of five years, have sniffed and explored every inch of your home and yard numerous times. The male beagle is highly scent oriented and is driven to follow his nose to different places beyond the constraints of your fence. Try and picture yourself confined to the same space for years on end. I bet they don't even have the opportunity to watch the Animal Channel while you're gone -:).

I'd suggest a two pronged approach to the problem. First, fortify your fence. Maybe place some boulders over their favorite escape routes. Secondly and most important, spend some quality time with your dogs and take them on long walks where they can explore and sniff the world. Then they can spend their long hours in the yard anticipating your return and doing fun things with you.

Good Luck!