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Puppy housebreaking help

19 8:59:37

I have a siberian husky puppy I just got like 4 days ago. I am having a real
problem because she won't go outside at all. I take her on a leash and wait
outside with her for more than 45 mins and she won't go. As soon as I bring
her in she squats on the floor. She will even go in her crate at night even
though I feed her at like 4:30. I have even let her off leash outside and
wouldn't watch her and that doesn't even work. Please le tme know if you
have any suggestions. Thank you.

How old is this puppy?  Without knowing that, I can only go as far as to refer you to my potty training schedule at:

The first thing I will tell you is do not wait 45 minutes.  10 minutes and then into the crate for 5, back out for 10 and if she doesn't go, into the crate for 5.  Keep repeating this until she goes outside, and then she gets BIG rewards-food, praise, petting, playtime.