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Alaskan Malamute Puppy

19 8:59:09

hi I have an 18 week old male Alaskan malamute. He is generally very well behaved but has started showing signs of aggression. If I tell him off for somehting he will bark at me and bite my legs. if i say no in a firm voice and point at him or go near him he will bite my hands. So just saying no or walking away from him doesnt work. i am already taking him to obedience and having personalised training. my trainer suggested throwing a peice of light chain at his bum and say no when he bites or barks at me...i have done this and it is the only thing that makes him stop but it's not something i can do in public and it feels really nasty. he said to the dog it is like a bite. any informaiton you can give me would be great. I love my puppy and i would appreciate any info.. thanks

Hello Alyce,

The best information I can give you is to listen to your trainer. If you do not have confidence in your trainer, then fire your current trainer and find another.

Different trainers have different and often equally successful approaches to training. You should be comfortable with your trainers guidance because ultimately only you can train your dog. One of the biggest mistakes people make is to take the advice that they want to hear and then seek out other advice that reinforces their personal, preconceived notions.

I do not think your trainer has told you to do anything that could be described as "nasty". It appears he is telling you to correct your dog and make him associate biting with an unpleasant experience. This is a good approach. If you are looking for other viewpoints, I am sure you will find them with enough effort.

Good Luck!
