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potty taining

18 17:59:01

I am from Jaisalmer, India. I have 3 months old female lab pup, she is with us for past 2 months but still not potty trained. I feed her 3 times puppy food and 2 times milk.
1 She poops 5 - 6 times in a day in small amounts
2 Sometimes she does not urinate for 2- 3 hrs and sometimes after every 5 min. she passes urine.
3 last meal of the day is given at 10.30 PM and after half an hr i put her to sleep. At night she wakes me up at 3 am or 4 am
I am not able to understand how to train her.

Hello, Naminder!  First, I would recommend eliminating the milk for your pup.  It is not necessary for dogs, and may be causing her stomach discomfort - many dogs are lactose intolerant.  Also, feeding your pup 2 times daily instead of 3 times daily may help to better regulate her potty schedule, and help to keep her from waking up at 3 am  to go outside.  Feed her once in the morning, and once in the evening (check the recommended amount of food on the puppy food bag - it varies by brand).  Here is a good article on feeding.  Good luck!