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dog agression and being territorial

19 9:00:08

I rescued an 8 month old daschund. I brought my friend very nice maltese over to play, at which time my dog started to display some bizzarre behavior. First, anytime the maltese got near my girlfriend, our dog would run over to claim her, like she got jealous that someone else was getting attention. Then, after several tense tale sniffing, as my dog sat next a friend, the maltese got happy and started trying to play, the normal jumping and such, and my dog bared his teeth and let out a pretty aggressive bark. The after the maltese was afriad of her, she began to want to play and chased the scared maltese around

Hello Mans,

Your dog didn't present bizarre behavior. This is pretty normal behavior in a dog that is (1) unsocialized (2) untrained. Dogs must be trained to be civil to strange dogs.

What your dog did was to first establish a hierarchy among the two dogs with your dog being on top. After the issue of rank was settled, your dog was then willing to play.

If you wish to curb this behavior in future, I'd suggest you train your dog through obedience training to listen to your commands and respect your authority. Then socialize him by introducing him to other dogs and correcting any inappropriate behavior.

Good Luck!
