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Electric Dog fence and anxious dog.

18 18:01:58

Hello.  I have a dog who is a rodesian ridgback/lab/shar pei.  Her name is Roxy and she is about 2-3 years old.  She can get out of ANY containment we put her in.  For instance, once I put her in a chain link dog run at my brothers house and she bent the door enough to get out and chewed through the chain link.  She is incredibly protective of us and her territory but has NEVER bit anyone in the 1 and 1/2 years we have owned her.  We have a daughter that crawls all over her and she could care less.  But...I have watched her run into the road and bark ferociously at people walking by.  She is a law suit waiting to happen but I really don't think she would ever hurt anyone.  Anyways we really want to keep her in our yard while we are gone so we put an electric fence in.  I just started training her today and she FREAKED out.  She will yelp like someone is killing her if she is in trouble or if anything is hurting her at all.  So I am afraid she won't be able to handle it because she was abused as a pup really bad.  Our only other option is to leave her in doors but sometimes we stay the night places and I don't want her to be cooped up all day she is a big dog with lots of energy.  Do you have any advice?

Because this is a specific training issue, I think you would be better off having a trainer come to your home and work with you and the dog to teach her boundaries and acceptable behavior to people walking past.

You should be able to find someone through searching your local training centers, the veterinarian, or looking on Google or a similar search engine.

Sorry I couldn't be more assistance.