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Frequent Bowel Movements in Puppy

19 9:00:32

Hello, I have a female American Bulldog puppy that is almost 4 months old. When we picked her up from the breeder at 8 weeks old, she had an urinary tract infection. We have been using the crate training method since day one and always put her outside to go in the same spot and give her plenty of praise and a treat when she does go outside. Our only problem with her is that she has bowel movements at least 5 or 6 times a day,sometimes more and poops in her crate several times a week and eats the poop too. Her bowels movements are normal and solid, sometimes jsut a little loose. We are feeding her Nutra brand large breed puppy food and we were feeding her 1 and 1/2 cups twice a day but the vet recently told us to increase the food a little more. It is getting to be out of hand, we are trying our best to listen to her cues, and take her out every hour but she is continuing to poop in her crate. Any advice that will work is greatly appreciated, as we really love our puppy, but are close to our wits end with two small children as well.

I found the Nutro to be too rich for a couple of my dogs.  This caused loose stools and can stimulate the poop-eating (coprophagia), and I found switching foods helped tremendously.  I would discuss with your vet, as well as do some research on different premium or super-premium foods to make your decision.  I am not a vet, so choose not to give nutritional advice by brand or specific foods.  I will tell you that I have tried many different foods, and my dogs have all done very well on Pro-Plan.

The potty in the crate could be due to loose stools, or upset stomach.  Even switching to a formula for sensitive stomachs may help.  Keep the crate very clean, and she should grow out of this awful habit-and I do feel for you, as even I have had issues with dogs messing their crates as pups.

Best of luck,
Erica Slomka
Jumpin JACS Dog Training