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pooping in crate

18 17:56:21

I have a 5 month beagle pup, female.  Bella can go all night without pooping in her crate but when I put her in it during the day so I can go to work, she poops within the first hour.  I walk her extensively in the morning.  She is only fed at night.  I feel it is her way of telling me she is mad about being in the crate.  Any suggestions

Dogs don't poop as a way of showing spite; it might be that the crate is too big. Is it big enough for her to merely stand up and turn around? Or is big enough that she can walk to a corner to defecate and not have to lie near it?

Does she poop during your walk, and then in the crate as well when you leave? If so, maybe she hasn't had a chance to fully evacuate her bowels on the walk. If you walk her and she holds it until you get back inside, you need to find a spot outside where other dogs have gone to get her used to the idea that this is where she should go.

A few other things:

Is she from a shelter or pet store? If so, this is not uncommon behavior.

Never punish her for an accident after the fact (meaning anything after 5 seconds).

Make sure that crate is cleaned as well as possible to remove any remnants of stool or odor. I imagine you've probably done this.

You might check on the amount of food you are giving her at night as well, or consider feeding her a little earlier.

You should also consider leaving a camcorder on to film her during the day, so you can see what time she goes in the crate.

And remember, at 5 months in general, accidents can still be expected. So stay positive and consistent.

Good luck,

Josh Abrams,