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My nervous dog

19 9:10:53

I have a 3 years old king Charles Spaniel.  She had been scared
by a big dog when she was 6 months.  I don't know it is because
that accident, she became such a nervous dog, very worried and
shy.  She would not social with other people and dogs.  I really
wish to help her get over it, have brought her to dog parks to
meet other dogs and dog owners, does not seem work.  Could
you tell me how to train her to be more friendly and not be
afraid of other dogs.  Thanks.

Hi Johnny!
     This happens to be one of my favorite breeds-like a forever puppy!
      I am sorry that she got shell-shocked and I am sure it is a concern for you as well. You didnt mention how old she was now so I can oly assume that she is now an adult.
  I would love to be able give you some quick fix answers to your problem unfortunately there isnt one. I can tell you to introduce her slowly to people because scared can turn into defensive in a split second. When you bring her outside make sure you have some treats and keep her leash short, she will feel more secure being close to you, when you try to introduce her to new people for example either get down to her level with her or hold her in your arms when she allows someone to pet her give a treat and tell how good she is and that "its ok" get her used to the "its ok" phrase when she comes out of her shell and allows contact that way shell know when you tell her its ok she will know that it is a friendly encounter.
 My other suggestion would be to take her to school.  It is a great way to get social and make new friends as well as learn some cool stuff
Sorry I couldn't be anymore help! Have you discussed this situation with your vet? It may be an idea!

           Good Luck and I hope all goes well     Beth