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Lab puppy in the pool

19 9:03:18

We have a 5 month old choc. lab male.  He is very smart, friendly, listens well.  However I'm not sure how to train him not to swin ON myself and my children when we are in the pool.  We love the fact that he is a water dog but the bigger he gets I'm afraid he could accidently hurt someone in the pool.

Hi Cyndi,
What you need to do is to teach him "right answer" vs. "wrong answer" discrimination. In this case, the right answer is NOT swimming on people and the wrong answer IS swimming on people.

Try this: when he is in the pool doing the right answer, talk to him, play with him, give him toys, etc. As soon as he does  the wrong thing, say, "Too bad!" and either leave the pool, or take him out of the pool and gently tether him somewhere away from the pool for 5-30 seconds.

Then, after that period of time (only if he is quiet) either come back in the pool or take him off the tether and try again.

You are teaching him that he can interact with you only if he does certain behaviors.

If he does not seem to be getting it, make sure you are focusing on the RIGHT answers and really giving him attention and praise when he is doing those behaviors.

Hope this helps.
