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New puppy in the pack

19 8:59:11

I just bought a 8 week old yorkie.  My 3 yr old cairn terrier wants nothing to do with the yorkie.  He actually turns his back when we try to put them together.  The puppy wants so bad to play with him, but he is only 2 lbs and I am afraid he will get hurt if I let him near the 3 yr old.  Will the cairn eventually get used to the puppy?  How can we help?

Hello Donna,

It would be very unusual for your terrier to hurt your puppy. Puppies have a "puppy license" to be irritating and annoying. Normally, adult dogs will growl and perhaps air bite but rarely will they harm puppies.
I think you could allow the two of them together under your close supervision.

To help the situation, you should first be sure and show favor to your older dog. Feed him first and give him affection first. His surly attitude is likely the result of feeling that his status is threatened.

Finally, you should let the dogs interact under your supervision. If your terrier is not made to feel that the newcomer will harm his status ,then in time he should accept your yorkie as a part of the family.

Good Luck!
