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Dog Poo and wee in the house

19 9:05:11

Hi Cathy

We have adopted a three year old Bichon Frise from friends who have moved overseas. They tell us (and we do believe them) that he was house trained, however, since being at our home (for about three months) he has continued to wee and poo in the house. His favourite spots are the front door for a wee and in the bedrooms for either a poo or a wee, although he does poo in other rooms. We do try to keep him locked out of the bedrooms (is this a good idea). We have a big deck outside that we would like to encourage him to use when he needs a toliet break. At his old home he was able to use the outside garden as his toliet. How can we train him that the deck is the appropriate spot for a wee or poo or while he is on one of his walks.



Hello Gerry,

It is very common for a dog to do this sort of thing when their environment is changed.   I would suggest keeping him in a crate until he learns the appropriate place to do his business.  I always recommend the open wire crates as opposed to the plastic airline carriers.   I would keep him in the crate when you sleep and when you are not home for several days.  Possibly even more if he is doing this in front of you.   I know it may sound cruel to do this, but he needs to learn where to go.   When you take him out of the crate, take him immediately outside and set him down.  Tell him to go potty and try to skip the attention until he completes his business.   When he does finally go on the deck, please be sure to reward him with lots of love and treats.   It should be fine to give him some "out of the crate" time once he has done everything outside.   

It is very important they they learn where to go as soon as possible, because once they start bad habits, they are harder to break.

Please let me know how it goes for you.
