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Yorkie is possesive

18 17:56:27

I have a 1 1/2 year old female yorkie.  The dog has always been a little agressive.  She is leary of children and tries to snap at them if they approach her in  a group.  She is also fairly agressive towards other dogs depending on the dog.  However she is wonderful with older people and I have never had trouble with her in my household.  Recently though she become aggressive towards my husband especially at night time.  I bring her to bed with me a night.  He works second shift, comes home very late during the week and goes to bed very late.  Recently when he tries to take the dog out of bed she tries to bit him.  She then jumps under my arm for me to protect her.  Last night she when he tried to take her out of bed to put her in her crate she bit him hard enough to draw blood.  I caught her in mid bit, she realized it was me and stopped. I'm not sure if she is being possesive over me or what.  When I'm not there she is as sweet to him as she can be and there is never any problem. When I am there she is just as nice to him but prefers me over him.  The night time thing though just baffles me.  Any suggestions of why she does this?  Can you please help. She is really a very nice, loving dog except for the bed thing.

First, sorry to be slow, been sick with a bad bug for a week. Not the H1N1 flu.  

The dog is possessive. She thinks that because she is first in bed, your husband is an interloper and she wants him to stay out and not share the bed with you.  So rule #1, dog no longer gets to sleep on the bed with you. Put her in a crate or somewhere else.  Rule #2, by defending her relationship with you, the dog has retreated from a relationship with your husband. So husband needs tos pend time with the dog as a leader, feed, potty, etc while you do something else. #3, find some activity, training, play time, etc that you and your husband can enjoy with the dog.  #4, an exercise we use is called my ball.  The owners take a dog toy (one of its favorite ) and play catch while standing just a few feet apart (3-5) Each time a person has the toy they look at the dog and hold the toy while saying "my toy" then pass it to the other person. After 3-4 passes, ask the dog, "you want the toy?" and then HAND the toy to the dog. Do not let the dog take the toy.  After 10 seconds, take the toy away and repeat several times. If the dog is jumping or trying to grab the toy say NO, my toy. Sit-stay  or down stay the dog. You becomje leaqder when the dog waits for you to give it what it wants instead of demanding and getting what it wants.

Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC