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4 year old golden will not go out and pee needs to be taken for walk

18 18:03:27

I have 4 year old golden who always pee and poo'd outside in our yard. Recently , we put new sod down and now trying to get him to go in a certain area in the yard.  While the yard was getting done we were taking him for walks.  Now he will no go in the yard at all. Will hold it forever. Only will go if you take him for walk.  I have tried making him stay over in the spot for awhile then back in the house, then back out and make him stay a few minutes, then back in the house.  Any suggestions how we can get him to go in the spot over near the tree in our own yard?

Take the dog out and wait till it goes. I don't care if it takes an hour. The dog has been taught to go when walking. So go for a walk in the yard. The new sod has completely different scent from its place or origin. It is foreign to the dog. You can collect some of the dogs pee and pour it on the spot in the new grass where you want it to go. The dog will detect his own scent and will get the idea. When the dog goes, praise him and give a tiny treat reward, big enough to swallow, ie a small piece of hot dog or a single piece of dog food. Not chew food. On day 3 start rewarding only after he is done twice or poo and pee. On day 5 only reward when its time to go back in the house. After that, praise only.  Praise and treat have to be within 3 seconds or the dog has forgotten what it did. Golden's are smart dogs, shouldn't take more than 10-14 days at most. I would expect 5 or less.


Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC