Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > mouthing/jumping


18 17:58:26

I am having a very hard time trying to stop my 9tmh old (lab/retriever mix) from mouthing. The only time she does this is when someone comes in house or when she goes outside to the bathroom. It could be a visitor or my husband or I. No matter who it is she is very aggressive with her mouthing. She jumps and bites at pant legs. shoes, arms. Basically anything she can get her mouth on. What can I do to stop this?

Make sure  you do not reward the behavior by giving her attention. If she's getting out of hand walk away and put a door between you. Eventually she will learn that it's not an appropriate way to get attention. It will also help to teach her an alternative behavior. For instance when she starts biting for attention, tell her to sit and then ignore her till she does and then give her lots of praise. This will teach her to sit for attention instead of act crazy.