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puggle puppy

19 9:01:46

Please I need help with my puggle! He is very aggresive and when he plays he bites the other dog. I also have a weimaraner puppy his stomach is all bruise from the puggle bitting him, He bites on his ears,legs and his private. My weimaraner looks for me to help him, He runs towards me to carry him or put him on the chair or bed just to get away from him and that gets me very upset.I love both of my dogs but, I do not like to see that abuse. Any suggestion?

How old are the dogs, Elizabeth? How old were they when you first got them? How long have you had each one? Have you considered taking the puggle to a daycare type facility so that he can play with other dogs that are closer to his size? It sounds like the puggle may have been separated from his siblings too early, and he has not learned how to properly interact with other dogs, or how to inhibit his bite. Letting him play with other dogs that will discipline him when he bites too hard or gets rambunctius is probably the best way to go.

When the puggle starts getting out of hand and the Weim is trying to get away from him, you should stop the puggle, tell him "NO" in a stern tone of voice, and separate the two dogs by using a baby gate, until the puggle has calmed down some.