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bringing at item to you

18 17:53:57

How do you teach a dog to bring an item to you? I have a friend who will throw the ball or some other item and then dog will go after it but then will drop it right away and then come when they are called.

First, teach the dog to pick the item up right in front of you. It helps to use a clicker

When the dog even looks at the item, click and treat at first.
Then wait till he puts his nose near it to click and treat.
Then wait till he puts his mouth on it.
Then wait till he picks it up.
Then put away the clicker and when he picks up the item say "give here" (or whatever) and trade it for a treat.
Then practice with the item a little further away, just a couple of feet.
Then start tossing it and when he gets it say "give here" and he should bring it to you and trade it for a treat.

I taught my dog to pick up my laundry this way and as a bonus he now plays fetch.