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Dog Whipping

18 17:47:41

I have 3 puupies, all 6 months. They grew up together. But recently one of the puppies has started being aggressive towards the other. My dad whipped the aggressive dog but it obviously did not work as she is still aggressive.
Is whipping a good way to train a dog? Or is it inhumane? Does it even work and are there other ways of discouraging aggression that would be more effective?
Also, what could be the cause of this aggression?
Age: 6months
Breed: Boerboel
Gender: Female
She is not neutered

I have no words...I cannot believe that people still do such things.  I cannot stress enough that whipping a dog is *NOT* training, it's abuse.  You need help from a reputable positive trainer, and quickly, before these puppies get much older.  Firstly, the female needs to be spayed very quickly or she will be ripe for being impregnated and you will have even more of a problem.  It's quite possible that, at her age, the males are pestering her and she is retaliating.  Of course, I can't be sure of that, since I cannot see their interactions.  What I do know is, that with Boerboel's, as with many dogs, whipping them can lead to them becoming even more aggressive as they mature and eventually biting someone badly in retaliation.  Your dad is in need of some serious education.  If this were my dog, I would find her a new home rather than allow her to ever be beaten again.  There are ways to discourage aggression, but you really need someone to come and evaluate your situation in person.  If you cannot save these puppies any other way, make an anonymous call to the authorities if they are being beaten.