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House training a ratterrier/pomeranian

18 18:01:26

Hi i have a 1 yr old rat terrier/pomeranian. I take him out first thing in the morning and he goes and does his business. Then we come in the houe. He has got into a habit of not letting me know when he has to go out to the bathroom when its time. I praise him when he does go outside and i also treat him. What should i do to get him to stop this behavior?

For now, make it your responsibility to know when he needs to go out. Feed him regularly scheduled meals so you can predict when he will need to relieve himself. Take him out more often than you think he needs to go. Keep a record of when he goes, so you know his routine. Supervise him carefully when he's loose in the house (use baby gates, close doors, even tether him to you) and if he starts sniffing, get him out). If there are soiled areas in your home, clean thoroughly with an enzymatic cleaner. If you can't be watching him, he needs to be confined to a small area - crate, xpen, etc. You can also teach him to target (touch things with his nose or paw) and get some jingle bells for the door that he can learn to ring to get you to open the door. Sandy Case BFA MEd CPDT