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Quiet Nights? Please?

19 9:03:18

I am almost through with day 2 of having my new 5 month old Chocolate Lab/German Shorthair mix. The dogs personality is amazing, he loves people, and when I took him to the vet, he laid down on the floor, and let them do their thing. I realize I haven't had him long, and I know that training is not easy, but I am wondering what is the best thing to do with the dog (Oliver) at night? I work overnights, and we are thinking of keeping him in our Laundry Room. I have cleared the room of all the things that could be harmful, so I dont see that becoming an issue. The one problem I am having is that when we put him in there he barks and scratches at the door at the slightest noise he hears. I am wondering if I should get a crate for that room as well, or if the room itself would work, and is the scratching and barking something that he will grow out of? I try to ignore it, so that he doesn't think that I will come everytime he does it, but I can't shake the feeling that I might be being cruel. Basically, I am wondering what is the best way to train him to be quiet at night, and do they typically adapt, and if so how quickly?
Thank you

ANSWER: Hello Geoff,
My suggestion is that you do get a crate but instead of putting it in the laundry room, put it in a area of the house where people are.  The living room, dining room, bedroom.   Your dog is most likely feeling too isolated in the laundry room and is lonely.  He seems like a really great dog and he just wants to be with his people.    Please take a few minutes and look at the following website.     On the home page you will find a link to Robin's Pet Tips (on the middle left I believe).  You'll find complete crating instructions as well as a bunch of other great training tips.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The follow up to this question is somewhat related to the first. How do I get him to stop following me around the house, and not sit outside of whatever room I go into and whine?
Thank You

It seems that your dog may be a bit insecure.  He probably hasn't hsd anybody in the past who was nice to him and he seems to have really bonded with you. He's probably afraid that you will leave him.  I suggest that you don't make a big deal out of him following you around and maybe don't shut him out of rooms.  Just let him be with you.  This is only his second day and you are very new and exciting for him.   It will wear off and he'll be exploring other areas of the house and doing his own thing.    It's funny you write about this because so many people would love to have this problem.   Give him a few weeks and things will settle down.