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My puggle has car ride hysterical anxiety

18 17:48:42

I have a three year old puggle whom since he was a pup could not handle taking quiet car rides. He whines, pants, howls and paces. I drive a small compact and he has grown up as a passenger in every way in the car. front seat, back seat, back seat in crate,  trunk(it's not covered). I prefer the latter of them all, but he still acts like a crazy dog no matter where i put him. I've bought him a muzzle and it has really helped but, it doesn't really solve the problem because when he takes car rides without it he reacts. Do I need to take him on a cross country trip? I'd appreciate any kind of advice because I am all out of ideas..

Hello Rachel:

Usually for dogs that get Car sickness or are scared we start by only doing small rides, in some cases you start by just having them in the car, in the driveway, and not even have the engine running.  Offering a favorite treat, or playing with them in the car, so it becomes a fun and safe place to be.

Also there is the consideration that some owners only ever put their dog in the car to go to the Vet or Groomers, so dogs begin to associate bad things with being in the car.  IE Car Rides means what comes next is unpleasant.

Some small breeds need to see where they are going, so being so low down they do not get to see out the window.  Also we see some dogs that, fear the strangeness of moving (when they can see out the windows), when they are stationary (sitting in the car).  One fix that has worked for some dogs is being able to sniff the air, through an open window (be careful not to have the window open too far, that they may jump out).

There are also on the Market some pheromone products that induce calmness, also a Bach Flower remedy called "Rescue " Remedy that is helpful for nervous dogs.

I suggest based on your comments that you try the re-association technique, by starting out slowly and tuning the car into a fun and safe place to be.  After 3 years of this behaviour and association with car rides this may take sometime to accomplish.